Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anatomy mcq on musculockeletal system

10 anatomy mcq

1? Where is the weakest point in the clavicle?

a. the middle point of clavicle

b. the lateral ends

c. point where middle 2/3rd meets lateral 1/3rd’

d. point where lateral 1/4th meets middle 3/4th

e. None

2. which of the following muscles are not attached to coracoid process?

a. Short head of biceps

b. longhead of biceps

c. corachobrachialis

d. pectoralis minor

e. none

3. which muscles origins from above the glenoid fossa?

a. short head of biceps

b. long head of biceps

c. corachobrachialis

d. long head of triceps

e. deltoid

4. which of the following muscles are not inserted on greater tubercle of humerus?

a. supraspinatus

b. infraspinatus

c. teres major

d. teres minor

5. which of he following muscle inserted in lesser tubercle?

a. Supraspinatus

b. infraspinatus

c. suscapularis

d. deltoid

e. corachobrachialis

6. which of the following muscles not inserted into intertubercular groove?

a. Lattissimus dorsi

b. pectoralis major

c. teres major

d. deltoid

7. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the clavicle?

(A) Its medial end is enlarged where it attaches to the sternum.

(B) Its lateral end is ?at where it articulates with the humerus.

(C) The medial two-thirds of the shaft are convex anteriorly.

(D) The clavicle transmits shock from the upper limb to the axial skeleton.

(E) The clavicle is a “long bone” that has no medullary cavity.

8 The trapezius attaches to which of the following regions of the clavicle?

(A) lateral one-third of the clavicle

(B) conoid tubercle

(C) subclavian groove

(D) trapezoid line

(E) quadrangular tubercle

9. Which of the following is true in respect to the scapula?

(A) The spine of the scapula continues laterally as the coracoid process.

(B) The lateral surface of the scapula forms the glenoid cavity.

(C) The acromion is superior to the glenoid cavity and projects anterolaterally.

(D) The scapula is fastened securely to the thoracic cage at the scapulothoracic joint.

(E) The acromioclavicular

Pharmacology of Cardiovascular MCQs

Pharma -CVS MCQs

1. In PSVT the drug of choice is

a. Adenosine b. Propranolol c. Lignocaine d. Epinephrine

Ans. a

2. Propranolol is not used in

a. Hypertension b. Migraine c. Varient angina d. Thyrotoxicosis

Ans. c

3. Which of the following is not a cardioselective drug

a. Atenolol b. Metoprolol c. Labetalol d. Esmolol

Ans. c

4. Which of the following drug is contraindicated to treat hypertension with pregnancy ?

a. Enalapril b. Methyldopa c. Nifedipine d. Labetolol

Ans. a

5. All of the following are indications for use of ACE inhibitors , except

a. Hypertension b. Myocardial infarction

c. Left ventricular dysfunction d. Pheochromocytoma

Ans. d 6. Which of the following statements regarding ACE inhibitors is true

a. Has positive inotropic effect

b. No effect on preload

c. Decrease bradykinin level

d. Can result in increase plasma K level

Ans. d

7. The preferred drugs for hypertension in patients with heart failure ….

a. Verapamil b. Propranolol c. Diltiazem d. Captopril

ans. d

8. Which of the following statement regarding anti-arrhythmic drugs is false

a. Lignocaine ---- Na channel blocker

b. Verapamil ---- Ca channel blocker

c. Amiodarone ---- Na channel blocker

d. Propranolol ---- Beta receptor blocker

ans. c

9. The following persons have risk factors for developing hypertension EXCEPT:

a. A person with high total blood cholesterol

b. A person whose father developed hypertension at the age of 40 but the mother who is already age 50 and still normotensive

c. A person with a body mass index of 32

d. A person who drinks a large bottle of beer everyday

e. A person who works as an office worker and does not do any exercises

ans. d

10. A 50 year old female was given Digoxin for congestive heart failure. What is the cellular action of digoxin?

a. Inhibition of beta receptors

b. Inhibition of Na pump

c. Inhibition of ATP degradation

d. Inhibition of mitochondrial Ca ions release

ans. b

People who get less than 6 hours sleep per night had an increased risk of dying prematurely

People who get less than 6 hours sleep per night had an increased risk of dying prematurely in a recent study. Those who slept for less than that amount of time were 12% more likely to die early, though researchers also found a link between sleeping more than 9 hours and premature death.

The study aggregated decade-long studies from around the world involving more than 1.3 million people and found "unequivocal evidence of the direct link" between lack of sleep and premature death.

Just one sleepless night can hamper the body's ability to use insulin to process sugar in the bloodstream. Insulin sensitivity is not fixed in healthy people, but depends on the duration of sleep in the preceding night.

"Society pushes us to sleep less and less," one of the study investigators said, adding that about 20% of the population in the United States and Britain sleeps less than 5 hours.

Adults typically need between 7 and 9 hours sleep a night. If you sleep little, you can develop diabetes, obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol.


Bad night's sleep can hamper body's insulin use. Reuters.

Metformin on the incidence of vitamin B-12 deficiency

As many as 22% of people with type 2 diabetes could have vitamin B-12 deficiency.

This BMJ study evaluated the effects of metformin on the incidence of vitamin B-12 deficiency (lower than 150 pmol/l), low concentrations of vitamin B-12 (150-220 pmol/l), and folate and homocysteine concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving treatment with insulin.

Compared with placebo, metformin treatment was associated with a decrease in vitamin B-12 concentration of -19%.

The absolute risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency (lower than 150 pmol/l) at study end was 7.2 percentage points higher in the metformin group than in the placebo group with a number needed to harm of 13.8 per 4.3 years.

Long term treatment with metformin may increase the risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency, which results in raised homocysteine concentrations. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is preventable; therefore, regular measurement of vitamin B-12 concentrations during long term metformin treatment should be considered.


BMJ 2010; 340:c2181

BMJ 2010; 340:c2198