I need to formulate it in my mind. It's a lot of random reasons that are all connected to me but may make no sense to others, but it goes way back to my childhood and playing superheroes on the front lawn with my brothers. When picking our superpower, I always wanted to be the healer. The one who transferred energy to the wounded and took away their pain. Obviously we don't grow up wearing capes (lab coats maybe) but I had lost that dream along the way once, and my path has come full circle again...
I went into medicine to do something more meaningful with my life. Although I made a lot of money if I had joined computer engineering and definitely had fun some if not most of the time, in the end it was all about sitting in a cubicle solving these little puzzles and making things work but not really affecting the world in a significant way. I feel I have a lot more to contribute to society than just doing the software equivalent of crosswords all day long. Medicine offers the challenges and the opportunities to work with people and touch their lives in ways that software engineering cannot.