Saturday, May 15, 2010

Asperger's Symptoms :A SYNDROME IN "MY NAME IS KHAN"

Asperger's Symptoms in Children 

Does your toddler have aspergers?

Asperger's Symptoms can be presented in a range of combinations. Both children and adults can exhibit any combination of aspergers behaviours in varying degrees of severity. This means that two children, both with the same diagnosis, can act very differently from one another and have varying skills.

The best way to understand Asperger syndrome is to think of it as a form of autism in smart kids.

10 Most Essential Asperger's Symptoms in Children 

1. Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.

2. Dislike any changes.

3. Lack empathy.

4. Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others' speech. Thus, your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. Likewise, his or her speech may be flat and difficult to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.

5. Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back."

6. Avoid eye contact or stare at others.

7. Have unusual facial expressions or postures.

8. Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or studying astronomy.

9. Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.

10. Have delayed motor development. Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.


How Asperger Syndrome Affects Daily Life 

The syndrome manifests in many ways that can cause difficulties on a daily basis. Here are some examples of what to look for:

- Delayed motor milestones
- Difficulty in conversing
- Extreme shyness
- Mixing with inappropriate company
- Unusual and obsessional interests
- Quoting lists of facts
- Confusion
- Difficulty with multitasking
- Not understanding jokes or social interaction
- Being naive and trusting
- Delighting in fine details such as knobs on a stereo
- Lack of dress sense

Is There A Cure? NO! 

There is currently no known 'cure' for Asperger Syndrome. This does not mean, however, that nothing can be done to help your asperger child.

One of the worst problems is that you can never really understand what is going on inside your child's head.

This makes it so difficult for you to understand their behaviour.

This can leave you feeling emotionally beat up and completely useless as a parent.

You have to cope with crisis on a daily, hourly or even minute by minute basis.

You experience problems when you are at home,...

Is There A Help? YES! 

Although behaviors may change through the years, the problem will not go away. But there are strategies that can improve functioning and help families cope. Early diagnosis, behavior training programs, and careful educational management to help the children reach their maximum potential are well worth the effort.

There are some simple, easy-to-use practical tips and techniques that can save you ALL that stress, worry, physical pain and embarrassment...

The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is an excellent resource that I would recommend to any parent who has a child with Aspergers Syndrome.

It is full of really practical and easy-to-use information to help parents with their Aspergers child and also the rest of the family.

Learn effective methods which can have a really positive effect on Asperger Symptoms and Asperger Syndrome Behavior: